"Who are you, Lord God, and who am I?" - St. Francis of Assisi
"Ask yourselves, young people,
about the love of Christ.
Acknowledge his voice resounding in the
temple of your heart.
Return his bright and penetrating glance
which opens the paths of your life
to the horizons of the Church's mission.
It is a taxing mission, today more than ever...
Do not be afraid of the radicalness of his demands,
because Jesus, who loved us first,
is prepared to give himself to you,
as well as asking of you.
If he asks much from you it is because he knows you can give much."
- St. John Paul II

Vocation Stories
Hear how God worked in the lives of the Sisters
Come and See Visits
For more information on making a Come and See Visit, please see:
The Six-Month Discernment Challenge
from Discerning Religious Life by Sr. Clare Matthiass, CFR
1. Make a Commitment. Commit to The Six-Month Discernment Challenge. It takes time to discern well. Consider setting aside six months or even a year to focus explicitly on your vocational discernment.
2.Develop your Prayer Life. Develop Your Prayer Life. Discernment flows out of your relationship with God, so commit to Holy Mass, frequent Confession, adoration, and personal prayer time, including silence, praying with the Scriptures, and Marian Consecration.
3. Seek Accompaniment. Don't make the journey alone. Find a good spiritual director.
4. Don't Date and Discern. Discern marriage and religious life separately. Let the discernment of each vocation have its time and place.
5. Start Visiting. Narrow down the search. Pick a few communities that you are attracted to, make contact, and schedule a visit. Visit sooner rather than later.
6. Look for Confirmations of the Call. As you grow in clarity about your call, your heart will provide confirmations in the form of peace and joy. The community, your spiritual director, and those who know you best will also be sources of confirmation.
7. Take the Leap of Faith! Discernment should lead to decision. Some things you can only know for sure by doing. At a certain point, you've got to go for it.
For help with your discernment,
please contact:
Sr. Veronica, CFR
Vocation Directress
232 E. 113th St.
New York, NY 10029
"Each of you has a personal vocation
which God has given you for your own joy and sanctity."
Pope Benedict XVI