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Missionary Program

The St. Michael Missionary Program is a unique opportunity for young women to work alongside the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal in their different apostolates in Atlantic City and share in various aspects of their community and prayer life. The primary goal is to give young women the opportunity to strengthen their personal relationship with Jesus through a deepening prayer life, intentional community, and hands-on service to the poor. Providing a life of greater simplicity with fewer distractions, the missionary year creates an environment which is conducive for discernment. Formation is offered to assist each missionary in discovering where and how she will best be able to make an authentic gift of herself to the Lord in a life-long vocation. The program is eight months, from September to May, and is open to women ages 21-35. The missionaries live at the Fr. Benedict House, which is named after Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR (1933-2014), one of the eight founders of the CFR Friars.

Missionary Weekly Schedule


Household chores at Fr. Benedict House


Daily responsibilities / Apostolate
7:30 PM Weekly planning meeting


Daily Responsibilities / Apostolate
Sister joins for Holy Hour and dinner at Fr. Benedict House

Lectio Divina


Daily Responsibilities / Apostolate
Join sisters for Holy Hour and dinner at the convent


Day Off


Daily Responsibilities / Apostolate
or day off when there is a Sunday apostolate


Morning Prayer and Mass with the sisters. Day off, except twice a month when there will be a Sunday apostolate.

Sr. Joseph will contact you shortly after your form is received 

If you are interested in the St. Michael Missionary Program, or would like more information, 
please complete the inquiry form here: 

Missionary Daily Schedule


6:15 AM       Rise

6:45 AM       Depart for Mass

7:00 AM       Mass

7:45 AM       Personal Prayer

8:30 AM       Morning Prayer & Breakfast

 Followed by Chores or  Apostolate

12:00 PM      Angelus & Lunch

  Followed by Chores or  Apostolate

3:00 PM       Free Time

5:00 PM        Holy Hour with Evening Prayer

6:00 PM        Dinner

8:40 PM        Rosary

10:30 PM      Lights Out




If you have further questions, please call: ​


Sr. Joseph, CFR





General Questions & Preaching Requests                 



Vocation & "Come & See" Inquiries



Financial Inquiries


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