Sometimes my heart wanders up and down
Searching for an answer
For what I think I need
To be safe.
Is it this?
Is it that?
Sometimes my heart runs circles around and around
Searching for an answer
For what I think I need
To be secure.
Could it be this thing?
Should I try that way?
Sometimes my heart flutters and shudders
Searching for an answer
For what I think I need
To be serene.
What if I go there?
What if I do that?
And then a knock awakens me
My knees bend down at the sound
I look up and I hear the answer,
“Am I not enough for you?”
His voice – so tender, so clear.
His presence – so bright and near.
I stop wandering.
I stop searching.
I stop asking.
And my heart gazes upon the only answer
For what I know I need to be
Safe, secure, serene.
My God, You are enough for me.
Sr. Catherine, CFR